HiBTC Review
The year 2017 is jokingly referred to as the year of Cryptocurrencies because that is when Blockchain users spiked so much that we started seeing the problems which were previously not an issue, infact in December 2017, the CoinMarketCap of all Cryptocurrencies hit an All Time High(ATH) of almost One Trillion US Dollars. The sudden spike in users exposed the vulnerabilities and some of them are Scalability and Speed of Transactions.
The year 2017 is jokingly referred to as the year of Cryptocurrencies because that is when Blockchain users spiked so much that we started seeing the problems which were previously not an issue, infact in December 2017, the CoinMarketCap of all Cryptocurrencies hit an All Time High(ATH) of almost One Trillion US Dollars. The sudden spike in users exposed the vulnerabilities and some of them are Scalability and Speed of Transactions.
The Bitcoin Blockchain
was made to handle 7TPS(Transactions Per Second) and the Ethereum Blockchain
was built to handle 15TPS, and in that time period, Users in the Bitcoin
Blockchain alone were making way more than 7TPS and this caused a terrible
backlog in the Blockchain which lead to longer transaction confirmation time
and higher transaction fees, users were having to pay as high as $25 as
transaction fee and some had to wait for days before their transactions were
This has made integration
of Cryptocurrencies in the real world almost because existing Blockchains would
not be able to handle the number of transactions not guarantee a frictionless
blockchain experience, this problem is what made the HiBTC team to introduce a
revolutionary solution called HiBTC.
As A Solution
It is Estimated that one of the leading Cryptocurrency exchange has made over $300,000,000 in profit just in the first half of this year alone, Billions of dollars worth of trades are conducted in various cryptocurrency exchanges every single day and this is something that happens every single day, But most of these exchanges tend to keep the profits generated from those exchanges for themselves, they don't give back to the community nor traders.
It is Estimated that one of the leading Cryptocurrency exchange has made over $300,000,000 in profit just in the first half of this year alone, Billions of dollars worth of trades are conducted in various cryptocurrency exchanges every single day and this is something that happens every single day, But most of these exchanges tend to keep the profits generated from those exchanges for themselves, they don't give back to the community nor traders.
Have you ever wished
there was a Cryptocurrency exchange that distributes some of it's profits to
it's community members and supporters? Have you ever wished there was a fast,
secure and reliable way to earn rewards just by holding a particular token? If
your answer to these questions is yes, then I have very good news for you, such
an exchange does exist and it's name is HiBTC.
Before I tell you why
HiBTC decided to use such a operation model, it is imperative to tell you a
little if this revolutionary exchange's history especially the Origin of it's
Like I mentioned earlier,
Blockchain technology is here to establish a transparent and fair credit
society. This is an aim shared by the founders of HiBTc Exchange and to show
solidarity to this noble aim, they decided to name their platform Hi & BTC,
like we all know, Hi means different things but it in general, it is used to
show friendliness and support, so in other words, HiBTC name itself is
engineered to show support to Bitcoin which is the first ever product of the
Blockchain Technology. HiBTC is here to create a transparent and Fair Exchange
- Shared Digital Asset Trading Platform
First of all, using the
new design concept and leading technology, HiBTC will provide a safe, efficient
and convenient digital asset trading pla$orm for all par!cipants. In HiBTC,
regardless of the size of the transac!on, each par!cipant can effec!vely
achieve the investment objec!ves without worrying about personal privacy
protec!on or the security of digital assets. In addi!on, the professional
financial unit will provide investors with rich risk hedging instruments and
investment target choices.
Second, HiBTC is
commi&ed to crea!ng a completely transparent, fair and shared investment
environment. HiBTC Token (HIBT) is the only token issued by the HiBTC pla$orm,
not only as a digital asset, but also represen!ng all rights and interests of
the HiBTC pla$orm. HiBTC promises to regularly allocate the pla$orm revenues to
all HIBT holders; at the same !me, the “transac!on + token holding” mining
model (“proof of mining hours + proof of equity” mechanism) is adopted, and 50%
of the HIBT issued is rewarded to users through transac!on processing fee
Not only that, HiBTC will
also introduce a “Dividend Bonus Program”. Users can voluntarily join the
program with part or all of the HIBT it holds, which will enjoy different
propor!ons of dividend bonus in addi!on to the basic dividends.
In summary, when a user
makes any transac!on on the pla$orm, in addi!on to obtaining the target assets,
it can also obtain [mining generated HIBT + basic dividends + dividend bonus].
All of the above mining and dividend data will be made public in real !me and
are truly transparent and accessible.
Except the equity
a&ribute, the asset a&ribute of HIBT is also important. The stability
of HIBT price has a direct effect on the users’ enthusiasm for par!cipa!ng in
the transac!ons on the HiBTC pla$orm. In order to guarantee a sustainable and
robust development of HiBTC, we will make the “Holder Shared Fund Account”
public to all users right a"er the pla$orm is put into use. The HIBT
unlocked in the account will be 100% locked in the fund account un!l the mining
is finished and won’t flow into the secondary market. The dividends these HIBT
enjoys will be first used to pay for the dividend bonus generated in the
Dividend Bonus Program; and the rest will be used to buy back the HIBT in the
secondary market, which will be locked in the fund account, too. When the
mining is finished, all assets in the Holder Shared Fund Account, (including
HIBT and dividends), will completely belong to all the HIBT holders, and the
specific disposal plan will be made public in !me a"er the mining is
Finally, HiBTC hopes to
break the barriers to informa!on asymmetry between shareholders and management,
and between companies and users under the tradi!onal “firm” model, and to build
a co-governed and shared organiza!onal structure so that each HIBT holder has
the right to par!cipate in making the pla$orm business decisions. HiBTC
introduces the world’s first exchange “1+1” currency lis!ng dual-channel mode,
which abandons the tradi!onal fee-based currency lis!ng mode and opens the HIBT
holder recommenda!on channel.
HIBTC floor dividend dividends every day!!!
Coin HiBTC floor is the
stock of flooring. The shareholding is the ownership of the company.
Shareholder of hodl shares will of course receive dividends?
Unlike ponzi, this type
of floor divides the floor transaction fees earned (profit) for shareholders.
Ponzi did not prove the business model (only by mouth) and because it was not
profitable ponzi took money after the first pay.
Many people wonder what
the HiBTC floor has security token (token egg contract). The answer is correct.
But do not break the law because the floor does not sell unregistered eggs
(like Bitconnect). In fact, they offer free to customers.
About HIBTC How to apply
for a KIC, a general overview of the floor, the advantages of joining the
HIBTC, and the great advantage of getting a dividend when holding the floor.
the more shares,
Market HIBT 100 Devident for coin holders, we can hold or lock the coin.
each lock has a percent profit rate.
Website : https://www.hibtc.com/#/act/homepage
Whitepaper : https://www.hibtc.com/om/about/en-us/whitepaper.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/www_HIBTC_com1
Twitter : https://twitter.com/HiBTC_Exchange
Exchange HiBTC : https://www.hibtc.com/#/act/exchange/
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